Case Study

We launched a gig-economy app in four weeks

Imagine turning an idea into a fully functional app in just four weeks. Sounds like fiction. But that's exactly what our clients experienced with Kodebusters! Dive into this case study to discover how we blend our prodcut expertise with the latest tech to make our client's vision come true in no time.

Valeria Kruchinina

Apr 3, 2024

Why Moms App

This is the on-demand, location based, service provider app, creating income streams and a trustworthy support system for moms. The Moms app aimed to simplify the lives of mothers, making it easier for them to find reliable services tailored to their needs.

“Many families need the income of mom working, yet the cost benefit ratio of trusted child care is extremely slim”

The Task

The main goals were to quickly bring a functional and user-friendly web application to market that addresses the unique needs of moms, and create a sustainable business model that benefits both service providers and the app users. Community, security, reliability - these were the pillars of the Moms App.

We had a hard deadline to deliver this project, therefore we had to deliver before the scheduled investor presentation

Project Kick-off

Debra and McKenzie, two entrepreneurial moms frustrated by the lack of a centralized service platform, envisioned a solution that could cater to the multifaceted needs of mothers like themselves.

The initial meeting was transformative. Through the Product Field Workshop, we refined the app's vision and also laid out a strategic roadmap for its development, focusing on key features that would deliver immediate value to its users.

project docs and artifacts

The Kodebusters Way

Creating and launching the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the moms app in just 30 days was nothing short of a challenge. We started almost from zero, and it was a race against time.

The journey began with narrowing down the essential features for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This focused approach allowed for rapid development and testing of core functionalities.

Project Timeline

A lot of fun hours designing and building, tons of coffee consumed, all to be able to send that coveted message in the client chat at 4 AM on March 17th - "Ready for launch, initiating the send-out to the first group of alpha testers.”

User Research

Within the app, we focus on the key functionalities: from placing gigs and bids to managing work confirmations, disputes, and reviews. Our main objective is to cultivate a supportive and eco-friendly community where moms can effortlessly interact, exchange services, and offer support.

Placing Gigs and Bids KYC, Payments, Transactions, Cancelations, Returns Confirmation of Work, Disputes, Reviews Fostering Positive and Ecologic Community And Much More

Stunning Custom Design

Our clients provided some preliminary design elements for the new application, such as brand colors and a logo. Additionally, a few interfaces had already been sketched out. Based on that, we designed both intuitive and functional interface.

Through a few iterations, the design evolved into a more engaging and user-friendly interface, prioritizing simplicity and fostering a sense of community among users.

The Stack

The development of the Moms App was a seamless blend of innovation and intuition, powered by a select suite of tools.

  • Bubble provided the foundation with its No-Code platform, enabling rapid development and iteration.

  • Figma brought our ideas to visual life, ensuring the design was as intuitive as it was beautiful.

  • SendPulse served as our communication lifeline, keeping us connected with our users through personalized messaging.

  • Amplitude gave us the insights to fine-tune the app, making every interaction meaningful.

  • Incorporating Stripe into our technology stack empowered the Moms App with seamless and secure payment processing, enriching user experience and ensuring scalability.

Bubble, Figma, Sendpulse, Amplitude, Stripe

Soft launch

Launching a product is not just about development; it's a whole set of strategies - product, marketing, and launch strategies. We planned the first release of the web application for March 17th, and that was the deadline we were determined to meet at all costs - to show the client the first application they had been waiting for several years and had been unable to install on their phone.

In preparation for the launch, we developed a comprehensive plan:

  1. Identified the main goals and objectives of the launch - we needed to understand exactly what kind of feedback we wanted to receive from users, what we wanted to learn;

  2. As a result, we selected a group of alpha testers and divided them into 3 groups for testing with and without moderators, and scripted each group;

  3. Prepared an email campaign for each group of testers. Each alpha tester would receive an invitation letter to test the application with detailed instructions and access to a common chat, where each could share their opinion about the moms app.

project documents and artifacts

The segmentation of alpha testers into three distinct groups, each comprising 7-9 moms, allowed for a nuanced evaluation of the app’s usability and appeal:

  • Comprehensive User Journey: Testers engaged with the app in a full cycle, from signing up and profile customization to creating their first gig. This end-to-end engagement was instrumental in assessing the app's user experience, interface, and functionality.

  • Valuable Feedback: The structured testing and feedback mechanism provided us with rich insights into the app's performance, user satisfaction, and areas for improvement.

  • Community Building: Beyond testing, the launch strategy fostered a sense of community among the moms. Their shared experiences and interactions within the app and the chat platform laid the foundation for a supportive user community, crucial for the app’s long-term success.

This soft launch wasn't just the Moms App team's project; it became a shared canvas, with every mom who participated leaving her mark on its future.

Project Outcomes

In just four weeks, the Kodebusters team successfully launched a functional web app! This remarkable achievement, however, did not come without its fair share of challenges:

  • Resource Constraints: With a tight deadline looming, the team had to be exceptionally efficient in allocating tasks and managing their time effectively.

  • Feedback Loop: Balancing speed with the need for comprehensive feedback presented a unique challenge, necessitating agile adjustments to both development and communication strategies.

And, of course, some general learnings:

  • Monetization Strategy: Developing a monetization strategy that aligned with our users' expectations and the app's value proposition was a nuanced learning curve.

  • Scalability and Security: Ensuring the app was built on a scalable and secure foundation was critical, preparing for growth and safeguarding user information.

Next steps

Even though the product is live, our work has not stopped here. We defined the product roadmap for months ahead, incorporating founders' vision, user feedback, market and technology trends.


Kodebusters is here to help with future ventures. Together, we're unstoppable. ❤️

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© Kodebusters 2024