
How to Launch on Product Hunt

This guide will not only explore the ins and outs of launching on Product Hunt but also provide a realistic outlook on its benefits and what it takes to make your launch a true springboard for your startup.

Gleb Gordeev

Mar 27, 2024

The Launch Pad You Can't Ignore

Launching on Product Hunt is a big debut for new startups wanting to show off their amazing products. If you haven't heard, Product Hunt is a platform where new companies can share their products with people who love tech, other founders, and even people who might want to invest money in them.

It's perfect for startups aiming to:

  • Get noticed by tech bloggers, big-time social media folks, or investors for more funding.

  • Boost their growth quickly.

  • Hear what tech fans think about their product.

  • Get a boost in search engine rankings from a link on a popular site like Product Hunt.

  • Get a SEO boost from a link back to your site.

Product Hunt can help a startup get its first users, make people talk about it, and even get noticed by reporters and big-time investors. It's a really important step for a lot of new companies.

But, is a Product Hunt launch right for every business at every stage? And what does success actually look like beyond the upvote count and temporary spike in website traffic?

The reality is, not every startup is ready for Product Hunt. Putting so much time and effort into this, you have to wonder if there might be smarter ways to spend your time. If you're aiming for a steady rise in signups or launching your product for the first time, using paid ads can often be a quicker and more reliable way to see how your initial messages do or to grow your marketing in a way that keeps going strong.

This guide will not only explore the ins and outs of launching on Product Hunt but also provide a realistic outlook on its benefits and what it takes to make your launch a true springboard for your startup.

Setting the Right Target

Before you put the final touches on what might be your startup's biggest debut, it's crucial to set up a proper realistic goal. The idea that launching on Product Hunt is a magic key to success is really popular, but the real story is a bit more complex.

Set up clear expectations on what do you really want from this launch and what matters to your business. Here are some metrics that might matter:

  • Upvotes

  • Comments

  • Reviews

  • Ranking

  • Unique visitors on the landing page

  • Unique visitors of the product page

  • Signups

  • Conversion rate

  • etc.

Define goals for each of them and track them during your Product Hunt campaign. Make sure you have analytics set up on your product and website.

Understand how Product Hunt works

Once you pick your goal and key metrics, it's important to know how the platform actually works, and use it to your advantage.

  • There are fraud preventing mechanisms, therefore don't try to arrange thousands of upvotes at the same time using bots.

  • Algorithm favours discussions in the comments. Some positive engagement in the comment section will result in higher ranking, especially from users with high karma scores

  • Same goes to upvotes from users with high karma score, try to make them curious about your product and leave their vote

  • Engage on Product Hunt before launching. It's great if your team checks out the platform beforehand. Product Hunt isn't a fan of new users, so the sooner you all set up your accounts, the better.

Create Excitement Around the Launch

The degree of preparation required for a successful Product Hunt launch cannot be overstated. This is not the venue for testing waters or soft launches. Your product should be ready for prime time with no less than a full-blast marketing campaign running parallel to the launch, starting at least one month in advance.

This is where you can start:

  • As early as possible, make sure that your warmest contacts (and biggest fans) have Product Hunt accounts. Avoid the situation when most of accounts who upvoted your product are created at the same day.

  • Leverage the power your network and community. Tell everyone about the upcoming launch. Don't be shy about asking. Message everyone you know who matches your ICP profile.

  • Tenfold engagement with your community. Interact with active Product Hunt users, get noticed by them. Actively participate in discussion in relevant groups and chats. Demonstrate your expertise and get humbly promote the launch.

  • Prepare templates for social media and blogs. Help your audience to spread the word. In general, I suggest you to publish a lot of content to get as much traction as possible before the launch.

  • Build in public - sharing your daily struggles and wins, your product roadmap, thoughts and aspirations. Imagine you share a logbook of your product. This will build trust with your potential customers. Start with 'Why?' and talk about the problems you're tackling. Mention your top features and ask about theirs. Share some bloopers to bond with users. Provide tips for smoother feature use. Share real-life examples and feedback from users.

  • Encourage users to suggest the product. Start gathering testimonials if you haven’t yet. Try to get at least 3 if you can. Put them on your website or make a collage for your gallery images.

If you are not properly prepared, you might miss a huge opportunity on your big day. Make sure your audience is warmed up and you know exactly how to execute the launch.

Consider the Timing

Choosing the best day of the week to launch, based on what you hope to achieve, is a really important step in planning a successful campaign, but it's something a lot of startups forget to consider. After you figure out what you want your launch to accomplish, pick a day that gives you the best shot at meeting those goals.


If your key metrics are around engagement, then I recommend to launch on Monday and Friday. These days usually have less visitors, and way less competition with other launches. Expect higher ranking and lower amount of traffic on your website.


To get the most traffic, aim for midweek from Tuesday till Thursday. Expect the most of website visits during these days. However, your ranking will be lower due to the peak competition.

Product Hunt ranking

Weekends have the least amount of traffic, therefore you have higher changes to score. If you aim to get the highest ranking, then launch on Saturday and Sunday . You can even aim for the product of the day due to lower competition. High PH ranking can boost your credibility.

Engagement vs Weekdays on Product Hunt

by Kartik Mandaville

As you can see, the best launch day depends on your campaign goals. Therefore it's crucial to decide what you want to the launch and shape your strategy accordingly.

Leverage each of 24 hours

A strategy that often gets missed is using time zones to your benefit. It's key to spread your votes out during the day and kick things off right at 12:01 a.m. Pacific Time.

by Kartik Mandaville

Throughout the day, make sure that you send enough reminders to your audience across different time zones. From Japan to Europe to Mexico - the planet is spinning and your community is voting.

Schedule social media content in advance so your audience is constantly reminded about these crucial hours to leave a vote.

Be strategic on replying to comments and talking to the Product Hunt community during your launch day. It's a good idea to have two or three team members ready to respond to questions from different viewpoints and in different time-zones.

While you might have a plan, you need to closely monitor your key metrics. Be ready to adapt your strategy according to how people react to your product.

Design your page

When creating your Product Hunt product page, make sure to customize your content for the platform's special vibe and its audience of tech fans, early adopters, and industry movers and shakers.

Here are the key elements to pay attention to:

  • Tagline - make sure that the message is clear and makes people curious about about your product. It's your main CTA, so pay extra attention to it. Make it actionable, back up with data.

  • Images and Videos - use only high resolution, show different angles of your product. Demonstrate UI of your product, do a walkthrough

  • Personal touch - add the maker's comment about your story, motivation to build this product and what do you want to give to the community. Why this product is special? Invite people to try it.

  • Reviews - extensive high quality reviews can boost your credibility and increase trust. Same as with online shopping, social validation is one of the biggest drivers of positive engagement

After the big day

Thank everyone who've had your back by giving a shoutout on social media or through email to show your appreciation. And hey, why not drop a thank you to the Product Hunt community too, to let them know you're grateful for their support?

After showing some love to your supporters, take a moment to look back on what you've achieved. Check if you've hit the goals you set. This self-check can give you some great insights into your progress and help you plan your next moves.

To boost your visibility and keep the ball rolling, reach out to press contacts to share your story and drum up more interest in what you're up to. Getting media coverage can widen your audience and shine a spotlight on your project.

Sharing some stats and data about how your product is doing can add some extra transparency and credibility. By demonstrating key numbers and insights, you can show off the impact and success of your hard work.

And remember, take all that feedback you're getting and use it to tweak and polish your product even more. Listening to your users and making changes based on their feedback is key to leveling up the user experience and making sure your product stays in tune with what your audience wants.

Misconceptions about Product Hunt

Wrapping up, let's delve into beliefs surrounding Product Hunt to equip you with a more informed approach to your next product launch.

  1. It's only about the votes: While upvotes count, quality feedback and interacting with the community can be even more valuable.

  2. Spontaneous Launch: Successful launches need careful planning and engagement, not last-minute scrambles.

  3. Success = Long-Term Growth: A Product Hunt launch is just the start; consistent effort is key for sustained growth.

  4. Product Hunt Isn't Just for Tech: Though tech products shine, diverse products can do well if they connect with the community.

  5. Second Chances Exist: Companies can relaunch on Product Hunt, especially as products evolve or new features are added.


Armed with these strategies, you can tackle your Product Hunt launch with realistic expectations and a clear focus on actionable techniques for real growth. Just a heads up, Product Hunt is a great kickstarter for your startup, but it's only the start of a bigger marketing and growth game plan.

Now it's time to grow and scale your product. If you are looking for an expert partner in your success, reach out to Kodebusters.

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